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48 سنوات
Indian mushroom is said to be effective in curing cancer, is that true? What about well done meats and eggs....will these foods worsen the condition of a lung cancer patient?
30 سبتمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Indian mushrooms contain anti-oxidants and possess antitumor potential. Scientific studies also revealed that they had significant antimutagenic (protect against DNA mutation) and anticarcinogenic activities. However, intensive and extensive investigations are still required needed to fully elucidate their valuable therapeutic use. As such, their therapeutic uses in treating/curing cancer are inconclusive and still investigational.
As for well cooked meat and eggs, eaten in moderation, should not cause harm to a patient with any sort of cancer, unless they have kidney damage or elevated uric acid secondary to chemotherapy, in which case protein-rich foods (like meat and eggs) ought to be reduced to a minimum so as not to overburden the kidneys with a big load of proteins and worsen the damage.