زيارة الأطباء
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31 سنوات
Im suffering from Urinay incontinence which surgery can last forever please .thank you
17 يناير 2018

د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
Urinary incontinence in women can have multiple forms and etiologies.
Most frequently we have:
1- Urge incontinence: which comes after an urge sensation to void
2- Stress incontinence: which happens after a stress such as coughing
3- Mixed incontinence: a combination of both problems.

The (1) is usually treated medically for most of the patients
All the conditions might benefit from pelvi-perineal re-education (a type of physiotherapy)
The (2) might need an intervention if there is no benefit from physiotherapy. Most frequently, the surgery in this condition is a simple and quick procedure (mid-urethral sling).

But most importantly, it would be very important to perform a full evaluation before giving any treatment (mainly history and physical examination).