29 سنوات
I'm having terrible itching in on my hand and feet that even if I scratch I don't fell, is that the sign of cancer
5 أغسطس 2014
Having itchy hands and feet can be quite irritating especially if it distracts our concentration while performing our daily activities. Persistent itching can be annoying, and constant scratching can damage the skin. Furthermore, it may also cause disturbances in sleep, as most common complain of losing sleep when they suffer from itchy skin.
Causes of itchy hands and feet
>Dry skin - Many factors can cause dryness of skin, such as changes in weather, exposure to sunlight, exposure to air-conditioning, and aging.
>Psoriasis This noncontagious, lifelong condition is characterized by having thick, red, and scaly patches on the skin. Psoriasis runs in families, and it may be triggered by emotional stress, skin injury, infection, and certain medications. The cause is unknown, but it may be related to dysfunction in the immune system.
>Irritant contact dermatitis - This inflammatory rash is caused by direct injury to the skin by a chemical, resulting in a skin reaction within a few hours of exposure. Patients typically complain at first of a burning or stinging pain, which becomes chronic as the skin becomes persistently inflamed. Itching could become the predominant symptom.
>Dyshidrotic eczema or dyshidrotic dermatitis - The condition is an itchy rash characteristically found on the palms, fingers and the feet. This manifests as small and itchy, fluid-filled blisters. The cause is unknown, and the condition often comes and goes, with episodes occurring mostly in warm weather. The blisters appear to be "deep-seated" because of the skin thickness in the palms, and in severe cases blisters merge and look like large blisters. Redness is usually absent or mild.
>Athlete's foot (Tinea Pedis or ringworm) - This is the most common superficial fungal infection in the skin of the foot, which may be passed to other humans by direct contact or through contaminated towels, locker room floors, other objects or the soil. Another type of athlete's foot infection is called bullous tinea pedis, which appears as painful, itchy blisters on the ball and/or arch of the foot. The worst form of fungal foot infection is called ulcerative tinea pedis, which appears as painful blisters, with pus and shallow ulcers or open sores. This condition often occurs in people with diabetes or in those with weak immune systems.
>Sweaty sock syndrome - This condition also called Juvenile plantar dermatosis is characterized by shiny, scaly, and red patches on the skin on the soles of children and teenagers. The cause is unknown, although the alternating moist and dry condition of the feet may contribute. This is a chronic condition that may last for about three years and goes away as the child reaches puberty. The skin appears tight and smooth, but dry and scaly in spite of heavy sweating. Painful cracks or fissures may occasionally be present.
People who are taking certain medications to treat some medical conditions also experience itchy hands and feet. This itchiness is usually a side effect of drugs. A person may also be allergic to the medication, and skin rashes or hives may appear.
Identification of the offending medication must be done and consultation with a doctor for advice on these side effects must be considered.
>Medical Conditions
-Crohn's disease
-chronic kidney disease
-liver failure, Scarring and inflammation of the liver associated with fatty liver disease can make the body itch, beginning with the palms and soles.
-thyroid disorders (hypo- or hyperthyroidism)
NOTE THAT Other diseases like cancer of the blood and the lymphatic tissues may manifest these symptoms, as well as nutritional deficiencies marked by a lack of vitamins B1, B6 and B12.
New research indicates that chronic stress and anxiety can lead to itching of the hands and feet and other body parts. High stress levels can also lead to worsening of existing itchy skin problems.
so to know the exact cause behind you itchy foot and hand it is advisable to check with your doctor for further tests and necessary treatment .Proper diagnosis and treatment of the underlying condition are necessary before symptoms may be alleviated.
Patients often present with isolated itchiness of the hands or feet. This is most likely due to dermatitis, that is, inflammation or infection of the skin. Causes include:
• New cosmetics or creams: allergic contact dermatitis
• New medications, supplements, or illicit drugs
• Recent travel: Pediculosis (lice) or scabies infestation
• Hobby or occupational exposure to solvents, adhesives, detergents, household gloves
• Irritant contact dermatitis: dermatitis and eczema
• New animal exposures: flea infestation, allergic contact dermatitis,
• Unexplained weight changes, menstrual irregularity, heat/cold intolerance: thyroid disease
• Fungal infection: associated with nail yellowish discoloration and thickening especially in toe nails.
• Psoriasis الصدفية
Only in cases where the itching is all over the body and is associated with alarming signs like unexplained weight loss, night sweats, unexplained fevers, fatigue, do we suspect malignancy (mainly Hodgkin’s lymphoma).
Other conditions that produce isolated hand and foot skin symptomatology are:
1- Dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrotic dermatitis): itchy vesicles or bullae on the palms, sides of the fingers, or soles are characteristic of this disorder. Scaling, redness, and oozing often follow vesiculation. Symptoms are intermittent and attacks typically last several weeks but are shorter if treated.. The cause is unknown, but fungal infection, contact dermatitis, and id reactions to tinea pedis ( a worm that causes Athlete’s foot) can cause a similar clinical appearance and should be ruled out. Treatment includes topical corticosteroids, tacrolimus or pimecrolimus, oral antibiotics, and ultraviolet light. Wet compresses with potassium permanganate or aluminum acetate can help relieve symptoms.
2- Keratolysis exfoliativa: Painless patchy peeling of the palms, soles, or both r. The cause is unknown; treatment is unnecessary because the condition is self-limiing.
3- Hyperkeratotic eczema: Thick yellow-brown plaques on the palms and sometimes. Scaling can occur. The cause is unknown. Treatment is with topical corticosteroids and keratolytics, oral psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA), and retinoids.
4- Id reaction: The appearance of vesicles usually on the sides of the fingers or on the palms or soles in response to active dermatitis. The cause may be an allergic reaction.
5- Housewives' eczema: This irritant contact dermatitis affects people whose hands are frequently immersed in water. It is worsened by washing dishes, clothes, and babies because repeated exposure to even mild detergents and water or prolonged sweating under rubber gloves may irritate dermatitic skin or cause an irritant contact dermatitis.
6- Hand-foot syndrome: This disorder (also called acral erythema or palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia) represents cutaneous toxicity caused by certain systemic chemotherapies (eg, capecitabin, cytarabine, fluorouracil, doxorubicin, methotrexate, cisplatin, tegafur). Manifestations include pain, swelling, numbness, tingling, redness, and sometimes flaking or blistering of the palms or soles. Treatment is with oral or topical corticosteroids, topical dimethylsulfoxide, oral vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), OTC analgesics (eg, acetaminophen, ibuprofen), and supportive measures (eg, cool compresses, minimizing manual tasks).
• New cosmetics or creams: allergic contact dermatitis
• New medications, supplements, or illicit drugs
• Recent travel: Pediculosis (lice) or scabies infestation
• Hobby or occupational exposure to solvents, adhesives, detergents, household gloves
• Irritant contact dermatitis: dermatitis and eczema
• New animal exposures: flea infestation, allergic contact dermatitis,
• Unexplained weight changes, menstrual irregularity, heat/cold intolerance: thyroid disease
• Fungal infection: associated with nail yellowish discoloration and thickening especially in toe nails.
• Psoriasis الصدفية
Only in cases where the itching is all over the body and is associated with alarming signs like unexplained weight loss, night sweats, unexplained fevers, fatigue, do we suspect malignancy (mainly Hodgkin’s lymphoma).
Other conditions that produce isolated hand and foot skin symptomatology are:
1- Dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrotic dermatitis): itchy vesicles or bullae on the palms, sides of the fingers, or soles are characteristic of this disorder. Scaling, redness, and oozing often follow vesiculation. Symptoms are intermittent and attacks typically last several weeks but are shorter if treated.. The cause is unknown, but fungal infection, contact dermatitis, and id reactions to tinea pedis ( a worm that causes Athlete’s foot) can cause a similar clinical appearance and should be ruled out. Treatment includes topical corticosteroids, tacrolimus or pimecrolimus, oral antibiotics, and ultraviolet light. Wet compresses with potassium permanganate or aluminum acetate can help relieve symptoms.
2- Keratolysis exfoliativa: Painless patchy peeling of the palms, soles, or both r. The cause is unknown; treatment is unnecessary because the condition is self-limiing.
3- Hyperkeratotic eczema: Thick yellow-brown plaques on the palms and sometimes. Scaling can occur. The cause is unknown. Treatment is with topical corticosteroids and keratolytics, oral psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA), and retinoids.
4- Id reaction: The appearance of vesicles usually on the sides of the fingers or on the palms or soles in response to active dermatitis. The cause may be an allergic reaction.
5- Housewives' eczema: This irritant contact dermatitis affects people whose hands are frequently immersed in water. It is worsened by washing dishes, clothes, and babies because repeated exposure to even mild detergents and water or prolonged sweating under rubber gloves may irritate dermatitic skin or cause an irritant contact dermatitis.
6- Hand-foot syndrome: This disorder (also called acral erythema or palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia) represents cutaneous toxicity caused by certain systemic chemotherapies (eg, capecitabin, cytarabine, fluorouracil, doxorubicin, methotrexate, cisplatin, tegafur). Manifestations include pain, swelling, numbness, tingling, redness, and sometimes flaking or blistering of the palms or soles. Treatment is with oral or topical corticosteroids, topical dimethylsulfoxide, oral vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), OTC analgesics (eg, acetaminophen, ibuprofen), and supportive measures (eg, cool compresses, minimizing manual tasks).