زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
25 سنوات
I'm experiencing crises of kidney stone its been 5 days. the doc said its a 4mm stone and is already in ureter.What should I do to make it come out? and is laser waves a good option in my case?
3 مارس 2014

د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
A 4 mm ureteral stone is more likely to pass on its own, if there is nothing that prevents us from waiting. The chance of passing the stone depends also on the site of the stone.
There are many medical treatments that can help us pass the stone.
Laser treatment of a stone in the ureter is not a good option. Other surgical modalities are available to extract the stone in case it doesn't pass alone.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
you can take anti spasmodics which relax the ureter and the stone go to the blrdder