زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
32 سنوات
Im 33 years old i have total hip replacemant. Metal on metal from 7 years ago but i still have pain and i can not walk for 200 m. Whats the problem? My doctor said that my xray very good
28 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
In metal-on-metal hip replacement devices both the ball and socket components are made of metal. These metal implants have been used in total hip replacement surgeries and hip resurfacing procedures.

Because of metal's durability, metal-on-metal devices were expected to last longer than other hip implants. In addition, the ball in a metal-on-metal device is larger, making the hip joint more stable and less likely to dislocate.

MoM implants have also been used because they avoid the complication of debris wear from implants made of plastic/polyethylene. However, recent information about the wear of certain metal-on-metal devices has raised concerns about their use. Like polyethylene, metal surfaces give off small particles of debris. In addition, metal surfaces can corrode, giving off metal ions. Metal debris (ions and particles) can enter the space around the implant, as well as enter the bloodstream. This can cause a reaction in some patients, such as pain or swelling around the hip, osteolysis, and very rarely symptoms in other parts of the body and this probably is causing you the pain since your X RAY is normal