زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
28 سنوات
I recently had a gyno check up as I was advised to to the HPV vaccine. Is it effective and advised at my age?
2 مارس 2014

د. Maria Karam طب الأطفال
Yes it is but do the gardasil not the cervarix; it covers the non cancerous strains. Although each shot costs 200$ but it is better.
د. Nemer Charafeddine طب النساء والتوليد
HPV vaccine can be given between the age of 14 until 40,
Both vaccines are good, cervarix is slightly better in covering CIN III (precancerous lesion) but it does not protect against low risk HPV, i.e condyloma or verrucae. You should discuss this with your gynecologist in details.
د. Jihad Irani طب الأسرة
I think the question whether to receive the vaccine or not deserves that you sit with your doctor and get appropriate counseling about HPV. After all, HPV transmission is related to certain behaviors. I am personally against "copy-pasting" recommendations coming from abroad (ex: USA) about the use of this vaccine in particular. I usually explain to my patient the details about HPV transmission, the risk of receiving it, etc. And I leave up to the person to decide whether to get it or not. Many patients decided to receive it after hearing the explanation, and others preferred to use their money on something better...