زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
20 سنوات
Im 20 years old and I dont smoke, but everytime I run for more than 10 seconds,my heart starts pumping hard and I lose my breath.Whats wrong witg me?
28 مارس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Easy fatiguability and low exercise tolerance manifested as palpitations (fast heart rate) and dyspnea on exertion (shortness of breath with effort) in a young otherwise healthy female makes us think of anemia, most commonly iron deficiency anemia, a quite common entity at this age, usually because of blood loss during menstruation and inadequate intake of iron from the diet. Of course this is not the only possible cause of your symptoms - other more serious causes must be ruled out. You are therefore advised to visit the doctor's office for a thorough evaluation, including a full physical examination and maybe a couple of blood tests. The plan of management will be determined accordingly.