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21 سنوات
If that any relation between this case and the "canal carpien and tarsal syndrom" should be a problem in some hormones? energy trouble? I m gonno do all the blood test T3 T4 rheumatism hba1c other
12 سبتمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Carpal tunnel syndrome, and similarly tarsal tunnel syndrome, are multifactorial. In particular, the symptoms of CTS are worse with more use of the wrists; this is not the same for TTS, where increased use of the feet is not related to the severity of the symptoms.

Factors that increase the likelihood of carpal tunnel syndrome and to a lesser extent tarsal tunnel syndrome:

Increasing age
Female sex
Increased body mass index (BMI), especially a recent increase
Square-shaped wrist
Short stature
Dominant hand
Race (white)
A strong family susceptibility exists
A number of inherited medical conditions also are associated with CTS (eg, diabetes, thyroid disease, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies).
3-Medical conditions
Acute, severe flexion/extension injury of wrist
Space-occupying lesions within the tunnel (such as ganglions, bleeding, abnormal blood vessels, swelling etc.)
Thyroid gland disorders
Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions of the affected joint

4-Vocational/avocational: some activities may be associated with CTS (particularly in combination) and include:
Prolonged, severe force through the wrist
Prolonged, extreme posture of the wrist
High amounts of repetitive movements
Exposure to vibration and/or cold

You don't have fully fledged chronic diabetes or a rrheumatologic disorder, thus the likelihood that your CTS and TTS symptoms are precipitated by these cconditions is near to nil.