23 سنوات
I took plan B 6 weeks ago and I still had PROTECTED sex one more time after and my period has not come yet. I took 4 HPTs and they were all negative. I can't afford a gyno at the moment.
2 مايو 2014
if you take plan B in the first weeks of your cycle ,period may come earlier
if you take it in the last week of your cycle period must come in the coming 2 weeks ,about a week from a missed period .
so it is not about how many weeks after taking plan b ,it is how long after the estimated day of aperiod ,if your period is delayed for a week- 10 days consider a pregnancy test if it was negative then wait 3 days and repeat ,it is also not the count of how many pregnancy tests are done between one and other must be 3 days .plan b may cause menstrual cycle irregularities .
other thing for consideration is how regular is your period usually ,if it is always regular coming on time every month ,and only this month is delayed with 2 or 3 (3 days apart)pregnancy tests negative you must check with your gyno
you can have a blood pregnancy test ,if it is negative test ,the gynecologist doctor may make an echo and further tests as needed .
other thing is that protected sex with condom will not guarantee 100% contraception even.