زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
27 سنوات
I think its postnasal drip what corresponds to mg case. 3 weeka ago i was sick and caugh at night started afterwards. Is there any medication that can help? Arguili makes it worse so i stopped.
31 مايو 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
You may want to use nasal saline spray (not drops, you need jet force to allow the solution to go inside the sinuses) to help loosen the secretions so they come out through the nostrils. An oral mucolytic (a medication that breaks down thick mucous secretions into a more loose consistency) may also be helpful. A good tip would also be to inhale water vapor: fill your bathtub with hot water while keeping the bathroom door closed. Once there is enough vapor formation inside, stay inside and inhale as much vapor as you can. This is very good in loosening and mobilizing mucous secretions. And definitely avoid exposure to tobacco smoke (both 1st and 2nd hand).