20 سنوات
I think i my case it is acid reflux since these are the symptons....and i do take a procomolexweightgainer...what u advice me to do doctor rania?
16 أغسطس 2014
The simplest kind of protein shake is a whey protein isolate shake. I find these cause the least amount of gastrointestinal problems. They are simple.
Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. A muscle in the esophagus, called the lower esophageal sphincter, normally protects you from reflux, opening when food or drink enters the stomach and then contracting.
A weakened muscle does not shut tightly and allows acid backup.
Foods that relax the muscle and trigger acid reflux include foods containing saturated fat, such as whole milk and yogurt. Other triggers include fried foods, tomato-based products, chocolate, caffeine, citrus fruit and juices, carbonated beverages and alcohol, it will be good idea to limit them.
if you had sensitivity to link or lactose intolerance you must switch to one without milk
>switch to one without fat and carbs
>Don't use these that bulk quickly increase in weight
>try this period to limit your weight lifting
>use just water to mix
>if possible go to natural protein diet rather than shakes
Seep on your left side.This position seems to help reduce nighttime heartburn symptoms, says David A. Johnson, MD, internal medicine division chief at Eastern Virginia School of Medicine, Norfolk, Va. To remember which side to sleep on, Johnson offers this memory trick: Right is wrong.
- Lose weight, even a little. Heartburn often just gets worse as you gain weight, but losing as little as two and a half pounds can help reduce heartburn symptoms, Johnson says.
-Sleep with your upper body elevated. When you lay flat in bed, your throat and stomach are basically at the same level, making it easy for stomach acids to flow up your esophagus, causing heartburn. You can elevate your body in two ways:
Put the head of your bed on 10 to 15 cm blocks.
Sleep on a wedge-shaped pillow that's at least 15 to 25 cm thick on one end. Don't substitute regular pillows; they just raise your head, and not your entire upper body.
-Wear loose-fitting clothes. Tight clothes, especially near your waist, can put pressure on your stomach, leading to heartburn symptoms.
- Avoid foods that trigger your heartburn. Foods that trigger heartburn differ from person to person. Common foods and drinks that can cause heartburn and interrupt sleep include alcohol; caffeinated drinks like colas, coffee, and tea; chocolate and cocoa; peppermint; garlic; onions; milk; fatty, spicy, greasy, or fried foods; and acidic foods like citrus or tomato products. Keep a food diary to help you track which foods may trigger your heartburn.
-Steer clear of late-night meals or big meals. Avoid eating meals two to three hours before bedtime to reduce stomach acid and allow the stomach to partially empty its contents before you sleep,avoid the shake at night too .
-Relax when you eat
- My advice is to follow a healthy balanced diet high in protein from ceratin food rather than shakes they have bad effects if used in long term ,on digestion and liver and all body
- if the above measures not enough and still complaining check with your doctor for further examinations ,he can prescribe you medicine for heartburn relieve .