Some of the common causes are sinus, nose or tooth infection, flu, common cold, strep throat, dry mouth, heart burn, reflux, etc.
Things you can do to manage your taste changes are:
* Maintain good oral hygiene - brush your teeth before and after each meal.
* Choose and prepare foods that look and smell good to you.
* Eat small, frequent meals
* Eat mints (or sugar-free mints), chew gum (or sugar-free gum) or chew ice to mask the bitter or metallic taste.
- Substitute poultry, eggs, fish, peanut butter, beans and dairy products for red meats.
- Flavor foods with herbs, spices, sugar, lemon, and tasty sauces.
- Chilled or frozen food may be more acceptable than warm or hot food.
- Try tart foods such as oranges or lemonade
- Avoid cigarette smoking.
- Eliminate bad odors.