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25 سنوات
I often feel dizy it is like a head rush but it occurs even when I am seated or stand up and it is associated with head ache or pressure in the head . what are those symptoms? any solution?
4 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
If your dizziness occur as a head rush for a short period of times and is accompanied during a change in position such as when you sit or when you stand or when you get up from bed morning ,or any sudden change in position then the case might be a postural hypertention or orthostatic hypertention presented as dizziness for a short period when changing position and may have other symptoms such as headache or the pressure you felt too .

The symptom is caused by blood pooling in the lower extremities upon a change in body position. It is quite common and can occur briefly in anyone .well there are several conditions that might contribute to it such as :
hypovolimia (decrease in blood volume ) and dehydration
diseases such as diabetes
medications such as anti depressants
Vitamin B12 deficiency
try when you change position to get up slowly from a position to the other to minimize its prevalence

>another possible cause if the headache is throbbing is Migraine it can be associated with dizziness in some patients and you may feel somehow nausea

>ear problems if there is other associated ear symptoms may also contribute to this,if you had tinnitus(ringing in ears) in any or both ears or dizziness is like an attack of rotational vertigo that can be severe, incapacitating, unpredictable, and last anywhere from minutes to hours,beside fullness in either or both ears and some how decrease in hearing then this will be a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree called MENIERE's disease

>if the dizziness is recently felt you may have an infection that is affecting your balance and show in this manner due to dehydration

>if you are a kind of women who don't drink that much fluids or have poor diet these symptoms might be seen too due to dehydration and lack of minerals and carbohydrates

>anemia can cause these too and cause low blood pressure ,dizziness and headache ,many reasons might be affecting each other and contribute in the problem

Many causes might be i mentioned the common so to confirm a diagnose you should consult a doctor who examined you and depending on the examination and the symptoms you feel he will order further tests and then gives the necessary treatment
د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
It could very well be orthostatic hypotension, which is a sudden drop in the systolic blood pressure (the upper value in the blood pressure) when moving from a lying or sitting position to a standing position. It could go into fainting if severe. It's associated with dizziness, light headedness, and headache. It is benign and should last for seconds to minutes at its best. If it lasts longer, looking for an underlying medical condition is important. It's diagnosed by having your blood pressure measured while you're lying down, then after you've been sitting up for a minute, then after you've been standing up for another minute and recording the change in the systolic blood pressure: if it drops by more than 10, the diagnosis is positive.
Other possibilities include vision problems (these are well known to cause headache, blurred vision, dizziness regardless of body position or physical activity) so have your eyes cchecked ; a severe muscle cramp in the neck and shoulders could also precipitate the symptoms you described.