زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
21 سنوات
I love adding salt to my food cause it makes it tastier. Is that bad on the long-run? What are the potential health problems?
13 أغسطس 2013

د. Bassem Tanios طب أمراض الكلى
High dietary Sodium ( Salt) intake is associated with increased Blood Pressure in the long run ( Hypertension), although this is especially true for people who have a certain predisposition to develop hypertension such a family history of hypertension, however reducing salt intake in the general population has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing hypertension in the future and to reduce cardio-vascular events ( such as heart attacks).

Current recommendations suggest limiting daily salt intake to less than 6g/day ( or < 2.3 g of Sodium) which is equivalent to one teaspoon of table salt per day. There is a general belief that this strategy will help reduce cardio-vascular events and decrease incidence of High blood pressure in the general population.
Of course, for people who already have Hypertension, salt restriction is recommended as part of the medical care to control blood pressure.

Also note that if you decide to stick with the above recommended daily intake of salt, one should pay attention to the labels of processed and canned foods which contain a high quantity of salt that should be accounted for.

Furthermore, Sodium is an acquired taste, that means that part of why you love to add salt is that you got used to its taste. As you take steps to reduce sodium, you’ll actually start to appreciate foods for their true flavor. In time, you’ll look forward to how food really tastes, not just the salty flavor.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
Do not add more salt, it increases blood pressure.