زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
24 سنوات
I injured my shoulder while swimming 3 months ago.I still feel pain;my shoulder nd neck muscles r very stiff.After MRI,1 doctor diagnosed a tendinitis nd another 1 diagnosed a capsulitis.Please advise
10 مايو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Adhesive capsulitis is different from rotator cuff tendonitis, although they can be hard to tell apart at first. Rotator cuff tendonitis is caused by pinching of a tendon. Adhesive capsulitis hurts to move in any direction, whereas rotator cuff tendonitis hurts just to move in certain ways. One good physical test to distinguish the two: adhesive capsulitis limits external rotation, whereas rotator cuff problems do not. Rotator cuff tendonitis also does not hurt as much during the day. Treatments for adhesive capsulitis and rotator cuff tendonitis are different, and sometimes we distinguish them by seeing which treatment works.