زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
24 سنوات
I have white discharge in the vaginal area and itchy feeling around the anus is it fungus or unirary tract infection what should i do ?
5 سبتمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
A urine infection usually causes lower abdominal pain, urinary frequency (you go too many times to the toilet), urgency (you have the urge to void most of the time), and pain or burning upon passing urine, and sometimes needing to strain for urine to come out. Itchiness is unusual in cases of urine infection. But if you suspect that you have a urine infection, a urine analysis and culture are needed to isolate the causative bacteria and give the correct treatment.
The white discharge and Itchiness are most likely due to a vaginal infection. In females who are not sexually active, vaginal candidiasis (a fungal infection) is the most common and likely cause of these symptoms. The discharge is cotton wool like in appearance, whitish in color, thick, but no strong foul smell is emitted from it. Itchiness can be very severe to the extent of injuring yourself. Treatment is with oral and topical antifungal.
Anal Itchiness commonly results from worm infestation, hemorrhoids, or warts. To identify the underlying cause, direct examination of the area and possibly specific tests (like in the case of possible worm infestation, the tape test is done) are needed. Treatment will follow accordingly.