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33 سنوات
I have boil on the my thigh what to do?
6 مايو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
furuncles or boils are painful infections of the hair follicle, which usually begin as a red lump. As white blood cells rush to the area to fight the infection, the bump begins to fill with pus. They are usually small, about the size of a pea, but can grow much larger. You can tell you have one if you see a swollen red and painful lump that has a white or yellow center, which may start weeping or oozing. They are caused by bacteria that are found on the skin, which can infect hair follicles that are damaged by abrasions to the skin.
Boils are common on the face, neck, armpits, shoulders, nose, back and buttocks. Areas of high friction such as the inner thighs are also often sites for boils. You can usually treat these at home by applying clean warm compresses several times a day,and fucidin cream on the boil which will help the boil begin to drain. Be sure to keep the area clean and change the bandage often, and avoid squeezing the boil, which can make it worse. If you feel ill or have feverish symptoms along with the boil, seek medical attention.
if you feel feverish or any other accompanied symptom then contact your doctor