17 سنوات
I have been taking protein procomolex gainer for 2 months does that have any side effects on my kidneys?....should i stop for a while?
3 أغسطس 2014
Here are examples of amounts of protein in food:
-1 cup of milk has 8 grams of protein
-A 90gram piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein
-1 cup of dry beans has about 16 grams of protein
-An 225gram container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein
These 4 items added together meet the protein needs of an adult male (56 grams). This doesn't count all the other foods that add smaller amounts of protein.
Whey protein (taken from the fluid that precipitates from milk مصل) is a well established safe protein supplement for improving athletic performance. Dose is as follows:1.2-1.5 grams/kg of whey protein in combination with strength training for 6-10 weeks.
It's not mentioned what kind of protein is found in Pro Complex - read the label carefully to make sure it's whey protein. Long term use health effects are unknown. But know this: overloading your system with proteins increases the production of ketones (hence a ketotic breath and loss of appetite) and may damage your kidneys (watch your protein daily intake and drink plenty of fluids to facilitate their elimination).
That depends on your weight and your workout plan BUT
however ,you can figure it yourself ,approximately 1.5 grams per kilo is needed by athletes ,this is the general rule where no protein overload is seen and thus no harm on kidneys .
knowing that procomplex serving offers 60.8g per serving and the usual dose is 2-3 servings per day then the amount of protein you are taking is about (121.6 g-185.4 g) per day
so if your weight is 80 kilo your need is 80* 1.5 =120 grams then 2 servings will be enough but three are overloaded to the kidneys
and so this is the general rule BUT
remember that there are other sources of proteins you are taking through your diet and not only you procomplex protein and then if your weight is 80 kilos and taking a high protein diet beside the 2 servings of procomplex then you are taking more proteins than needed and by time overload on kidneys .
try to go to natural intake through your diet if you can
however ,you can figure it yourself ,approximately 1.5 grams per kilo is needed by athletes ,this is the general rule where no protein overload is seen and thus no harm on kidneys .
knowing that procomplex serving offers 60.8g per serving and the usual dose is 2-3 servings per day then the amount of protein you are taking is about (121.6 g-185.4 g) per day
so if your weight is 80 kilo your need is 80* 1.5 =120 grams then 2 servings will be enough but three are overloaded to the kidneys
and so this is the general rule BUT
remember that there are other sources of proteins you are taking through your diet and not only you procomplex protein and then if your weight is 80 kilos and taking a high protein diet beside the 2 servings of procomplex then you are taking more proteins than needed and by time overload on kidneys .
try to go to natural intake through your diet if you can