زيارة الأطباء
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36 سنوات
I have been suffering from acute pms for years untill my gyna prescribed Yaz which realky helped now I'm back with sore and painful breasts but periods are normal shud I go back to yaz again.tnx
12 أغسطس 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Breast pain that starts few days before the menstrual cycle and is relieved within a few days of menstrual bleeding is known as cyclical mastalgia. It results from the increase in the levels of hormones. Oral contraceptive pills have not been found to reduce the symptoms of cyclical mastalgia. The available interventions include conservative measures like wearing sports bras and following a low fat diet (which will lower the levels of the hormone prolactin which has been implicated in breast engorgement and pain)
Drugs like Danazol (lowers eestrogen levels), tamoxifen (blocks estrogen receptors in the breast tissue) at low doses showed some benefit but with high rates of relapse after discontinuing treatment and are still not approved for the treatment of cyclical mastalgia. Diclofenac has shown to help and has minimal adverse effects so you can use it.