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الصفحة الرئيسية
29 سنوات
I've been on a very low carb diet for the past four months. When I eat carbs and sugar, my heart rate increases and I can feel it even when I'm not doing anything. Why is that? Can I stop it?
2 فبراير 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
A person is diagnosed with tachycardia when the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute (BPM). The normal resting heart rate for adults is about 60 to 100 BPM and for infants, it is about 110 BPM.

Tachycardia after eating is an uncommon disorder and for the people who experience it, it can create anxiety and stress. Experiencing slightly higher heart rate after having snacks or meals is quite normal, because increased flow of blood is required to digest the food. But, if your heart starts beating rigorously after meals, then it could be a symptom of tachycardia. There is no need to panic as people who experience it can lead a normal life.

The episodes of rapid heartbeat usually begin within 30 to 60 minutes after a meal. The heart rate may go up to 120 beats per minute or even more. Sometimes, it lasts up to 6 hours. An adrenaline rush may be experienced by the person. There can be difficulty in resting, sleeping, or breathing. The person may suffer from bloating and indigestion. If your heart starts beating irregularly or very rapidly after eating, you could have cardiac arrhythmia.

Causes of High Heart Rate after Meals

The causes and symptoms of increased heart rate after consumption of food may vary from person to person. Some people may get awakened at night due to rapidly beating heart. Some may experience an increase in the heart rate only after eating sugar, while some may experience it only when processed food is present in their diet. Sudden rise and fall in blood sugar levels after meals can cause tachycardia.

Heavy meals such as pizza and lasagna are high in sodium and saturated fat. If you do not drink enough water, your blood becomes thicker and it compels your heart to work harder. Similarly, cholesterol levels can shoot up right after a meal high in saturated fat leading to overworking of heart during the process of digestion. Tachycardia can also occur due to an existing heart or lung disease or problem in blood circulation.

>>It has been observed that PEOPLE WITH POOR DIGESTION (MAYBE BECAUSE YOU HAVE A STRICT DIET YOU DEVELOP THAT)usually experience fast beating of heart after eating, especially if the meal is heavy, rich in carbohydrates, sugar or fat.

>>Processed food or food high in oil or food rich in MSG, nitrates and sodium can make your heart beat faster.

>>Some people experience tachycardia after consumption of food or drink that contains caffeine or other stimulants. According to some, high heart rate is associated with the dysfunction of the vagus nerve which is shared by both, the heart and the stomach.

>>Heavy meals increase the pressure in the stomach ,If heartburn or severe acid reflux disease (GERD) is the cause of pounding heart and chest tightness, taking an antacid usually helps relieve the symptoms.

>>Other tachycardia causes include endocrine or digestive system problems or a side effect from an antibiotic or any other medication. High heart rate may be a sign of food sensitivity with respect to certain foods. The amount of sugar consumed may influence the intensity and duration of pounding you get. Obesity may worsen the symptoms of food-induced tachycardia.

>>Some causes of tachycardia are not related to heart problem at all. Night sweats, anxiety attacks at night, hiatus hernia can also raise your heart rate. In certain rare cases, tachycardia after intake of food can be a symptom of liver or kidney damage.
-To prevent food-induced tachycardia, you should eat several small meals and avoid large meals in one sitting. In this way, you can avoid pressure on the vagus nerve and severe fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

-You should sleep, eat and exercise at the same fixed time, every day.
-Avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
-While eating, don't drink beverages like tea, coffee or soda.
- Avoid smoking, caffeine, aspirin, phenacetin and amphetamines.
-Keep a record of the food consumed and find out which type of food raises your heart rate and how long does tachycardia last whenever you eat that particular food.
- Keep a record of the amount eaten too.
- Reduce the amount of food or avoid the food that triggers tachycardia.
-drinking water can help in heart stabilization .
- To have stable blood sugar levels, you should avoid simple carbs and should incorporate more complex carbs in your diet.
-Wear clothes that are loose at the chest and the waist.
-Do not increase the pressure on your abdomen and diaphragm. Loosen the belt if any. At least for one hour after meals, you should not lie down in bed. Sit in a comfortable position. If the pain worsens or starts suddenly, don't take any new or over-the-counter medicine, just go to a doctor or the emergency room, as soon as possible.
You can check with a doctor to make some tests and to figure if your taccycardia is due to sugars or allergy to certain type of food found in your meal or from a certain medical condition ,he may give you a medication for indigestion if this is the cause ,if your condition is worse don't hesitate to consult a doctor