25 سنوات
I have a 2 months baby.hez nt burping easily after he has his meal and sometimes he is not burping at all.and am trying all the ways to make him burp but no result cz he feels so sleepy after eating.
5 أغسطس 2014
The process of suckling causes your baby to inadvertently swallow air - this is why you should try to burp him to expel any air he has swallowed. Breastfed babies usually swallow less air than bottle-fed babies, so he may not need to burp. Burping may decrease any feeling of fullness and may wake him up a bit so that you can offer him the other breast.
If you choose to burp your baby after he finishes nursing on one side, hold him vertically against your body with his head over your shoulder. Place a clean cloth under his head to catch any spit-up and then gently pat or rub his back. If you prefer, you can perform this movement while sitting him on your lap and supporting his head with one hand or laying him across your knees on his stomach. It's alright if he doesn't burp after a few minutes or falls asleep in the process, you can still put him down to sleep on his back or offer him the other breast.