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33 سنوات
I hardly been able 2 maintain erection or penetrate, I loose erection when putting condom I have phymosis too I have pain each time I try 2 penetrate I fear I have ED, is it from phymosis? what to do?
16 يناير 2014

د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
I don't think that you must be anxious about this problem. This will only exacerbate the problem.
Your issue must be discussed with a urologist to find the cause of your ED and to treat it.
At your age, the most frequent cause of ED is psychogenic. In your case, it could be caused by your phimosis if erections are painful enough to make you loose your pleasure.
Concerning the use of condoms, there are multiple types of condoms, with some of them inducing a decreased in sensation level with subsequent decrease in pleasure.