زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
I had like a peel or dry crust in my nose( in front directly) but it's not affect my sniff,i try treat it with fucidine creme it has disappear for almost 2 weeks and appear again.please advice doctors
10 مارس 2013

د. Jihad Achkar طب الأذن والحنجرة
An ulcer at the nasal mucosal surface will present as a painful crust and might bleed if you touch it. Sometimes this is just a simple crack in the mucosa due to dryness in weather or the heating at home, or due to manipulation by fingers or after nose blowing during flu. In this case, a simple hands off approach and application of moisturizing ointments just like u did works great. It can get infected by bacteria, in which case nose becomes very tender and you become febrile, then you will need antibiotics. Some cases are caused by Herpes virus, similar to ulcers people get on lips, in which case treatment is different. If it becomes a recurring problem, you might want to get it checked at your Dr's office.
د. Raffi Jil-Hagopian طب الأذن والحنجرة
Nasal crusts located at the vestibular region are usually related to dry and warm atmospheric conditions, like for example during winter season when heaters are on, or summer time with air conditioning. A common cause also is habitual nose picking! It can easily be treated with moisterizing ointments plus keeping fingers away from the nose.