زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
19 سنوات
I had LASIK surgery about 9 months ago and now I feel like my eyes are very sensitive to light especially when I wake up in the morning.
29 أبريل 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
It seems that your eyes are dry since the complain is worsen at the morning when you wake up ,dryness of the eye may let you feel sensitive to light ,dryness of your eyes could be a cause of the ligth sensitivity you are experiencing, Some dry eye treatments include the use of nonpreserved eye drops,lubricating eye drops Restasis eye drops, intake of more water, oral administration of omega 3 and flax seed oil, use of lubricating ointments ,when correcting dryness light sensitivity will minimize ,besides you must know what is the cause of the dryness ,if it is only of post lasik or allergy at certain time of the year or an infection ,it depends how long have you feel this .
OTHER than dryness ,It might also be caused by microscopic swelling in the cornea, known as corneal edema, or by inflammation in the cornea that lead to Transient Light Sensitivity (TLS) and may be treated with a longer course of steroid anti-inflammatory eyedrops.
whether it is swelling or dryness of the eyes your dr can tell and give the appropriate treatment