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32 سنوات
I had b4 the b12 test a stool test and was diagonesd with a bacteria maybe its e coli i forgot..is it from this maybe?and is it normal after 2 years to return b12 level above average
23 أغسطس 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
It is possible, though unlikely. E. Coli (Escherishia coli) is a type of bacteria that causes infection in the gastrointestinal tract and in the urinary tract. It is known for causing traveler's diarrhea. If severe enough, the diarrhea may actually result in wearing off of the intestinal villi, the finger-like projections in the intestines that function in maximizing absorption. The loss of these villi may hinder the proper absorption of nutrients, including vitamins like D, K, and B12.
Your body was depleted and now replenished. Of note, not all Labs have the same reference range and accuracy of a test may vary between one lab and another. The normal range is 200-900.