زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
25 سنوات
I feel it under my skin and I just noticed it. It's not visible, no redness or anything but it's painful when I press on it. It's located between my waist & vagina and it's only on the right side.
21 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Since your lump is newly felt in the groin area where you mentioned ,i suggest you have a swelling in the lymph nodes there as result to an infection in the pubic area or leg or buttock ,they will appear as a movable ball underneath the skin with tenderness when pressing on .
Lymph node can be enlarged due to inflammation or infection of any of its draining area.
You can give warm compress and take antiinflammatory drug like motrin.usually this enlargement or lymph node lump will go after the infection goes ,if it persist several days or weeks then it might be a cyst.
It will need a consultation with doctor for examination to get the source of infection or inflammation for the precise diagnosis.
There are other causes for groin lumps ,the groin includes the upper inner thigh and the indented area of the front of the body where the legs meet the trunk. Bulges or bumps in the groin can be small or large; they may grow or remain the same size; they may occur as a single lump or several lumps; they can be hard or soft, mobile or immobile, painful or asymptomatic. Some lumps turn red or purple while others remain flesh-colored. Many are covered by intact skin, but some can ulcerate or form other types of soresit for this reason and depending on the cause they can have a variety of causes, including injury, allergy, infection, tumors and hernias

Localized infections can cause red lumps that are often painful, may be fluid-filled, and may ulcerate, break down, or leak pus or fluid.

Infections of the genitals, leg or foot can also cause swelling of lymph nodes in the groin.
Cysts and benign tumors such as lipomas (fatty tumors) can occur in the groin.

Femoral and inguinal hernias can also cause lumps in the groin. Lumps from hernias may enlarge with increased abdominal pressure such as coughing and may be reducible with gentle pressure.

If you develop a lump in the groin that is persistent last longer time and change in description or size or is attached to skin or causes you concern, seek prompt medical care and check with a gynecologist .