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32 سنوات
I am still using Novalac AC as formula for my 6 months old baby. Shall I switch to Novalac 2 or to another formula enriched with iron?
24 فبراير 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Iron supplementation is usually initiated around the age of 4-5 months, when the iron that your baby has accumulated from you when she/he was still in your womb starts to run out. The recommendation is to give infants who are breast fed 1 mg/kg/day of liquid iron supplement until solid foods, such as iron-fortified cereals, are introduced, which is when your baby is about 5 months of age. For partially breastfed infants, the iron recommendation remains the same as that for fully breastfed infants if more than half of the daily feedings are from human milk and the child is not receiving iron-containing complementary foods. Milk formulas in general are fortified with iron, and with the introduction of solid food starting around the age of 5-6 months will help prevent  the development of anemia. If your baby is not getting a good amount of solid foods, it is better to give him iron supplement till she/he starts eating adequate amounts of iron-rich meals or iron-fortified cereals.