زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
25 سنوات
I am a regular smoker. Lately every time I smoke, I feel like my head is turning and I feel tingling in my fingers and toes. What could be the reason ?
26 سبتمبر 2013

د. Bassem Tanios طب أمراض الكلى
These can be symptoms of Nicotine excess which can cause, in addition to what you are experiencing, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

As you know smoking is associated with multiple health hazards, such as increased risk of cardiovascular events ( myocardial infarction and stroke), lung disease ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, increased risk of infertility, and several cancers, such as lung cancer, head and neck and lip cancer, ureteral and bladder cancer, stomach, pancreatic and colorectal cancers.

The symptoms you are having might be the way your body is telling you its time to stop smoking.

I advise you to stop smoking and if you want you can seek help on smoking cessation when you see your doctor, or enroll in a smoking cessation program, like the one at the American University of Beirut medical center.