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22 سنوات
How I can diagnosis peyronie's disease , what is the normal curvture of penis
28 يوليو 2013

د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
Peyronie's disease can cause pain in the penis during erection in its first phase, followed by a curvature of the penis, in a direction and degree that depends on the location and the extend of the plaque of Peyronie's disease.
Sometimes, it may present directly in the second phase.
Usually it starts in the fifties but it can rarely start in the twenties.
Curvature can be in any direction. Usually, upward or downward curvature can be less bothersome compared to lateral curvature. The latter can interfere more with sexual intercourse.
Diagnosis depends on the history and the physical examination (palpation of the plaque). Sometimes, your doctor might need the help of an ultrasound or an MRI of the penis.
د. Fadi Dalati طب أمراض المسالك البولية
Peyronies's disease is a combination of scar-forming tendency, and penile trauma, leading to the formation of a plaque that causes curvature of the penile shaft upon erection. The incidence rate is around 3-10 %, depending on your source of information.

Usually there is pain during the phase of plaque formation, but it usually disappear as the plaque stabilizes, which takes around 12-18 months.

It is essential NOT to consider radical treatment till the process of plaque formatuion is stabilized for a minimum period of 6 months. Attempting to correct the deformity BEFORE THAT could lead to recurrence afterwards. It is also important to note that as long as the curvature is not causing difficulty in vaginal penetration, treatment should not be initiated.

The most effective treatment for peyronies's disease is surgical correction of the curvature. However, there are number of medical treatments that are proposed and under study, such as Vit. E, injectable corticosteroids, calcium channel blockers as well as shock wave lithotripsy.

It is essential that you refer to your urologist, who will do a full assessment of the case, from physical exam, to diagnosis, to the need of treatment. Your urologist might also ask for duplex ultrasound before deciding on surgical management.

But the take-home message remains, unless the curvature is interferring with a proper sexual intercourse, no treatment is advised.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
ttpeyronney dissase gives pain during erection and curvature