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24 سنوات
How can we get iron fron food to prevent talasemia?
13 يوليو 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Thalassemia is a hereditary disease whereby the protein in the red blood cells, the hemoglobin, is defective, which renders it less able to carry enough oxygen to the tissues in the body. Thalassemia is not the same as iron-deficiency anemia, where the body has low stores of iron for a number of reasons. As such, intake of high amounts of iron, whether from the diet or from dietary supplements, cannot prevent thalassemia. In fact, thalassemia can be controlled, and by and large, the most effective therapy has so far been chronic blood transfusions - but this is only for thalassemia major types, the more severe form of the disease. Thalassemia minor, which is less cumbersome to the health, usually does not require blood transfusions.In fact, taking blood transfusions for a long period of time leads to accumulation of excess iron in organs such as the heart and liver, this condition is known as iron overload. This is why it is necessary for patients with thalassemia major to be maintained on medications that can remove this extra amount of iron (these medications are known as iron chelators).
As for people with thalassemia minor, iron supplementation may be helpful. Regarding good sources of iron from the diet, here is a link with detailed information on the subject: http://www.mckinley.illinois.edu/handouts/dietary_sources_iron.html 