18 سنوات
Hi im 18 years old girl i feel something dur when i press on the left side of m breast like a small something round(1cm) it dosent exist on the right side wht could it be?Should i be worry?
6 أغسطس 2014
There may be several possibilities ,this is a brief description to approach near possibility and diagnose look which you have :
If Oval-shaped lump that moves under the skin when touched >> Fibroadenoma
This lump, which is usually 1-2 cm wide, can be moved around within a small area in the breast.They can occur anywhere in the breast but are most common in the upper outer section
It do not increase the risk of cancer so they can safely be left alone except if there is symptoms.
I suggest you have this
IF Hard lump that occurs after major bruising>>Fat necrosis (hardened fat) it wil subside alone and can be due to injury to the breast
IF A sore, squishy lump that appears suddenly>>A breast cyst these are filled with fuid skin around abit red ,the fluid can be drained by a doctor with a small needle
If Hot, red, painful lump when breastfeeding>> A breast abscess
IF Firm, round lump that moves under skin>>Phyllodes tumour
90% of cases benign whereas 10% malignant ,it is usually removed surgically and tested for cancer
If Small, rigid lump under nipple>>An adenoma of the breast.it looks like fibroadenoma but not movable on touching it can hurt ,it sould be removed or tested through core biopsy for exact diagnose
If soft lump no bigger than 5-6cm across>> A hamartoma
SO try to figure what lump do you have through appearance if don't recognize it or you are worried make a visit to a gynecologist for physical examination and image .
however ,if your lump is rigid attached to skin growing bigger change over time go and check with doctor to confirm a diagnose