زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
25 سنوات
Hi.i just hv a single question and need ur advice,is it safe to get epidural during delivery?do u advice me to hv it mentioning that I had c-section a year ago and my new delivery will be on 8 11 thx
13 مارس 2014

د. Hanaa Itani طب النساء والتوليد
Vaginal delivery after a c-section (VBAC) is not an easy decision. I am sure your doctor counseled you about its risks. So make sure to do in a well prepared hospital. As for the epidural, it's true that it might mask the pain in case of uterine rupture but in many cases it's not the pain that we rely on to diagnose uterine rupture. There are many other factors mainly the fetal heart rate so if you decide to go with VBAC, you have to be on close monitoring irrespective if you take epidural or not. At the end, it's your right to have a minimal pain delivery. The American ACOG recommendations states that epidural can be used as part of Trial of labor after cesarean