زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
19 سنوات
I'm facing a problem every time I eat anything lunch dinner breakfast chocolate after eating them I go to the toilet directly. What can it be?
12 أغسطس 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Bowel transit time is the time interval between food intake and the passage of a bowel movement (going to the toilet). If this time interval is very short in a person who has not had a previous surgery that made his or her bowels shorter, we think of an entity called diarrhea-dominant irritable bowel syndrome. This is a condition that is functional in nature, that is to say, there's no abnormalities in the bowels, but what happens is s tthat they contract too much (there's too much peristaltsis, the normal contraction and movement of the bowels that moves food and then waste forward and out) do you go to the toilet frequently and shortly after a meal. This condition is made worse by stress (be it emotional likestress or physical like tiredness or lack of sleep). The optimal solution is to enrich your diet with fibers (they will act to make the waste bulkier and thus not as quickly to leave your body).
If however the stools are kind of oily and float on the surface, wethink of ffat malabsorption (if your diet is high in fats). The solution in this case is to cut down on fatty food items.