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الصفحة الرئيسية
Hi doctors,i have triplets 2 boys one girl(two years and 7 months)i start removing diapers but its very hard.plz give me advices?
1 مايو 2013

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
With a triplet the trouble triples! But you'll get there eventually. My advice is to encourage your kids by saying Bravo, clapping, and dancing to their favorite song once they poop on the potty. If however they poop in their clothes, don't make them feel ashamed or that it's ok, instead tell them that the only place for this is the potty and show disappointment in your voice and on your face. Have them sit on the potty before bedtime, don't ask their if they want to go because they'll most likely say no. The reward system can be gradually increased by saying, for example, that if they all use the potty then you'll take them out (link the reward to the act of sitting on the potty).
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
just want to add that it is not necessary to train them all together ,there are several signs that a kid is ready for training, every child will give off subtle signs that they are about to go. Some might cry or yell right before hand because they can feel it and are not sure what to do. Some may look down or touch themselves right before hand because they feel it. They may have a certain stance, and then some may try to hide in a corner or behind a chair. You just have to find your child’s tell tell signs.
another thing For at least the first few hours, have them sit on the potty every 15-30 minutes. It not only helps detour some messes but also helps them learn to head to the potty.
try to set your kids on the potty seat, after breakfast, before their bath, or whenever else they likely have a bowel movement. This will help them get used to the potty and accept it as part of their routine.
it is hard but be sure it will pass god bless them to you and bless you to them.