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Hi doctors I had 2 days ago a surgery in my leg concerning 2 corns , actually I can't walk easily I want to know when can I feel comfortable and what type of shoes should I wear to avoid corns..thx:)
14 أبريل 2013

د. Mohamad Siblini الجراحة
if your corns are removed and primary closure done, it should take up to 2 weeks for the pain to disappear. but after the 3rd day the pain should be tolerable. in case the corn is removed and wound is still opened, more time needed for healing and pain should decrease starting day 3 post surgery. the type of shoes depend on the type of corns. but the general rule is no pressure on the corn site so you have to manage to wear shoes that avoid pressure on the corn site or on the toes that might compress the corn.
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
To protect your feet from corns :

>Wear shoes that fit well and are roomy, with a large toe box. you should be able to wiggle your toes.with enough space in the area that surrounds the toes. This keeps the toes from pressing against each other and against the top of the shoe, relieving pressure on corns. Thicker soles can help relieve pressure on calluses when you are walking. Also, choose socks that fit properly and are made of a polyester-cotton blend because they wick moisture away better than all-cotton socks do.

>To prevent rubbing, use protective padding such as moleskin or orthotic shoe inserts to cushion the callus or corn or to hold the foot and toes in a more comfortable position.
>You can also try toe separators or some lamb's wool between your toes.
moisturize you can use vaseline to help your feet stay soft
These approaches may help you prevent corns and calluses from developing: