زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
18 سنوات
If I eat oat meal bread & put in it Tuna or Halloum (2 sandwiches ar day) for 2 weeks, how many kgs can I expect to lose?
28 يوليو 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
We cannot recommend a diet plan, nor can we estimate the expected amount of weight loss based on a particular diet plan, for the following reasons:
1- To put together a proper and suitable diet plan, the person needs to be evaluated thoroughly by a nutrition specialist (dietitian), in term of weight, height, BMI and body composition, eating habits etc..
2- In order to "predict" the amount of weight loss based on your planned caloric intake, your daily expenditure of calories (basal metabolic rate PLUS calories expended on daily activities, +/- exercise if you do sports) needs to be calculated, in order to establish your RDA, then approximate the amount of calories in these food items, to evaluate your intake and expenditure of calories.
So you see, this is not a straight forward process.
You are still in the growing phase, and fad diets are simply BAD for your health. I strongly recommend that you consult a good dietitian to devise a personalized and HEALTHY diet plan for you, along with exercise.