22 سنوات
Hello, im 23 years old and I've been suffering from these symptoms for over a year now .. difficulty in breathing very stiff neck and shoulders pressure on jaw and in the eyes .. thankyou in advance.
9 أغسطس 2014
you might have postural kyphosis (loss of the normal curve of the neck due to bad posture) usually the normal lordotic curve is between 31-40 degrees if the curve is less than 20 you might feel pain but if the curve is mildly affected then you might not feel pain but only tightness and pressure with no rest muscles ,then you might have a mild postural kyphosis.
Sometime slouched posture with forward head leads to the tendency of the entire body to lean forward of the center of gravity,as the head goes, so does the body. The pelvis rotates backward, almost as if trying to pull the trunk erect, and in the process pulls back on and flattens the lumbar spine. Hip flexors (front thigh and hip muscles) elongate and weaken, and hip extensors (gluts, and hamstrings at back of thigh) shorten and tighten. With loss of the normal lumbar lordotic curve ( "Flat– back Syndrome") the body tends to lean forward when sitting, walking or standing. As with forward neck/head, the added weight of the out of balance upper body requires more force applied by the back extensors to keep the upper body from falling forward,causing them to be in a constant state of tightness and that is the cause of the pressure you are feeling in that area .
Clenching your jaw most of the time is the cause for the pressure in the ears beside your bad posture .
SO the cause is poor or bad posture the cause of it might be stress.
Several factors contribute to poor posture-most commonly, stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, abnormally tight muscles, and high-heeled shoes. In addition, decreased flexibility, a poor work environment, incorrect working posture, and unhealthy sitting and standing habits can also contribute to poor body positioning.
if all these symptoms are interconnected one must think of cypho scolliosis cervico dorsal if the brething problem is of another cause we have tothink of cervical problem muscular spasm or herniated disc