Hello, I want to know if there a solution for nail fungus (toes)..and what about laser treatment? what is the best solution?
19 مارس 2013
nail fungus are termed "onychomycosis" in medicine. it affects one toe, many toes , or all the toes at the same time. solutions are present once you are sure that it is fungal infection and not other disease and this is done by nail culture for fungus. if culture is positive then the options for onychomycosis treatment included debridement, topical medications, oral medications and surgical destruction of the nail and nail bed. the type of treatment depend on the severity of the infection and should be decided by your doctor. Laser treatment seems promising but it needs some times for its benefit to be fully proven.
ifor several weeksf onychomycosis is confirmed by culture then antifungl treatment topic and tablets