30 سنوات
Hello . i live in saudi arbia for 3 years and always have blood in my nose. specialy in the morning when washing face... any help finding the cause ?
17 مارس 2016
Causes of epistaxis can be divided into:
1- Local causes:
Trauma to the mucosa (the thin moist layer that lines the inside of the nose) and septum, due to nose picking & repeated irritation caused by tips of nasal sprays. Infections &mucosal inflammation (due to allergies) Septal deviations, nasal fractures, and septal perforations can be a cause of irregular nasal airflow causing dryness and bleeding. Tumors of the nasal cavity, sinuses, and nasopharynx can also give rise to recurrent bleeding. In Saudi the dessert weather exacerbates the effects of all the previously listed factors.
2-Systemic Factors
Hypertension, use of blood thinners such as aspirin can cause epistaxis. Epistaxis is also associated with blood dyscrasias, patients with lymphoproliforative disorders, immunodeficiency, and liver failure. Other more serious considerations include platelet disorders (low platelet count or platelet dysfunction - platelets are responsible for forming blood clots) and clotting factor abnormalities (family history of hemophilia).
Applying direct pressure while closing both nostrils and sitting upright (do not lift your head up to prevent blood swallowing) is usually effective for stopping epistaxis. Use nasal decongestant drops (not sprays as they may further injure the nose) or gels (help reduce the bleeding). Otherwise, packing up the nose with a sterile gauze imbibed with petrolatum gel. If these don't help, you need to see an ENT specialist as you may require chemical cautery or a special nasal packing.
To prevent nose bleeds, keep your nose well moisturized (petrolatum gel applied using a cotton tip & nasal saline sprays).
Nosebleeds in hot seasons and countries are quite often and mostly is related to dryness of the nasal mucosa(skin inside nose). It can be relieved by keeping the entry of the nose (vestibule) humid by applying petrolatum oil (vaseline for ex.).