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37 سنوات
I am overweight and I am taking Approvel 150, Glucophage 850 and Lipanthyl 200. Can I take Clarinol xs to lose weight? Does it have any side effects?
27 أبريل 2014

د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
You didn't mention if diabetes, blood pressure and triglycerides are controlled. It is best to have a good diet and exercise which will help you lose weight better than this drug with all its side effects.
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
it is not advised in your case
some of the side effects is high blood pressure and increased heart beat ,since you are hypertensive and has high triglyceride this will not be a good option as clarinol will affect your balance made by the drugs you take
second clarinol may disrupt blood sugar balance in those with Type 2 diabetes
Researchers found that supplementing 3 grams of CLA daily for eight weeks significantly increased fasting glucose and promoted insulin resistance in adults with Type 2 diabetes. If you have Type 2 diabetes, CLA may not be safe for you to take.