زيارة الأطباء
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Hello drs iwanna ask about my father. hes very stressed and angry .when he stresses a lot bya3mol crise and cant talk and vomits and gets fever. This happened twice in 3 months What should i do?
12 مايو 2013

د. Beatrice Khater طب الأسرة
What you are describing goes beyond being stressed.
Your father should consult a doctor and explain to him his symptoms.
د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
if this is related your father reaction to express his anger then i am with Dr. Beatrice you must consult a psychologist and explain exactly his reaction and the time this began and the circumstances that make him like this and the turning point that he begin acting different than before ,this problem might be psychic or organic if he is suffering from an organic disease that is affecting his behavior or minerals inbalance or any other problem ,the dr will assesses his case and know the cause and treat him .