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20 سنوات
Hello drs. I am suffering from a bad smell breath all day long..what is it from and what can be a fast cure?? Thanks
18 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Halitosis or bad breath may be a cause in the mouth or a cause of another medical condition,most bad breath starts in your mouth, and there are many possible causes. They include:

>>when food enters your mouth it stuck between your teeth and then enters your digestive system ,the breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth will increase bacteria and thus causing a foul odor.
some foods, such as onions, garlic, and other vegetables and spices, also can cause bad breath. After you digest these foods, they enter your bloodstream, are carried to your lungs and affect your breath.

>>Smoking causes its own unpleasant mouth odor. Smokers and oral tobacco users are also more likely to have gum disease, another source of bad breath.

>> If you don't brush and floss daily, food particles remain in your mouth, causing bad breath. A film of bacteria forms on your teeth and if not brushed away, plaque can irritate your gums (gingivitis) and eventually form plaque-filled pockets between your teeth and gums (periodontitis). The uneven surface of the tongue also can trap bacteria that produce odors. And dentures that aren't cleaned regularly or don't fit properly can harbor odor-causing bacteria and food particles.

>>Dry mouth also can cause the problem,saliva helps cleanse your mouth, removing particles that may cause bad odors. A condition called dry mouth(xerostomia)can contribute to bad breath because production of saliva is decreased. Dry mouth naturally occurs during sleep, Some medications can lead to a chronic dry mouth, as can a problem with your salivary glands and some diseases.

>> Bad breath can be caused by surgical wounds after oral surgery, such as tooth removal, or as a result of tooth decay, gum disease or mouth sores.

>>Other mouth, nose and throat conditions.Infections or chronic inflammation in the nose, sinuses or throat, which can contribute to postnasal drip, also can cause bad breath.

>> Some medications can indirectly produce bad breath by contributing to dry mouth. Others can be broken down in the body to release chemicals that can be carried on your breath.

>>Diseases, such as zinker diverticula of the esophagus , some cancers, and conditions such as metabolic disorders, can cause a distinctive breath odor as a result of chemicals they produce. Chronic reflux of stomach acids (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can be associated with bad breath.

Treatment depend on the cause of the bad breath ,as a first step ,start with your mouth ,go to a dentist to have a check for your mouth for gingivitis or any teeth problem or excess plaque and then if th eproblem still present check with a ENT doctor to continue investigating for the probable cause .