زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
31 سنوات
Hello doc.. just want to ask if there is some pills to be taken when I get mad because when I do, I was feeling so nervous and lack of breathing?and if there is, is it harmless to take?pls doc help me
11 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions,disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.

Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function.

A mental illness can make you miserable and can cause problems in your daily life, such as at work or in relationships. In most cases, symptoms can be managed with a combination of medications and counseling (psychotherapy).

Your treatment depends on the type of mental illness you have, its severity and what works best for you. In many cases, a combination of treatments works best.

If you have a mild mental illness with well-controlled symptoms, treatment is enough after a check with doctor who gives you the medication after a full check up and studying the cause conditions

In more sever cases you need psychotherapist ,medications and a social help,

Although psychiatric medications don't cure mental illness, they can often significantly improve symptoms.They can also help make other treatments, such as psychotherapy, more effective. The best medications for you will depend on your particular situation and how your body responds to the medication.

Some of the most commonly used classes of prescription psychiatric medications include:

>antidepressents i think good in your case after good assessment from a doctor ,they are not addictive and do not cause dependency,but first trying to eliminate causes and triggers of you condition beside a social support .

>anti anxiety, anti psycotics ,mood changing medications they might cause addiction when taken after long term

Treatment may be best, depending on your symptoms and their severity, personal preferences, medication side effects, and other factors. In some cases, a mental illness may be so severe that a doctor or loved one may need to guide your care until you're well enough to participate in decision-making.

However knowing that you have the condition is half the way gone ,so:
> try to strict to a plan
>be positive
>write what triggers you and stop arguing don't go in a subject you know its bad results >relax,take more sleep and naps
>eat well balanced diet
>drink well
>take vitamins if you had lack of it
>have a check with your doctor for a blood test if you had any underlying disease or a thyroid problem ,diabetes ,anemia ,BP ,....so try to eliminate organic causes before assuming it is a psychic problem
>check with a psychiatry that is the most beneficial he will guide you to the whole plan

Don't take any medicine before being checked with a doctor ,it is your health ,a medicine is effective in its place but harmful when taken wrongly all medicines have side effects ,but we usually weighs benefits to the risk factors and what is good will be held .