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27 سنوات
Have a headache after seeing something like flou in my eyes
26 ديسمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال

You may be describing a visual aura; an aura is a constellation of symptoms or sensations that you get shortly before a migraine attack. It can be visual (like seeing zigzags of light, or flashing lights, or even having temporary visual loss in one or both eyes in half of the visual field), or sensory (such as numbness or tingling), or motor (muscle weakness).

In order to make the right diagnosis, you will have to be assessed by a physician for risk factors for migraine headaches (family history, triggering factors like stress and fasting and menstruation etc.).
Of course other possible diagnoses should be ruled out as well, like decreased visual acuity.
