زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
39 سنوات
Following my first Question, is it necessary to take the med? i read that BP at the end of stress test can reach 20/9, it is normal, knowing that i recovered within 2 minutes back to 13/8? plz advise
19 ديسمبر 2013

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
The blood pressure in a stress test is recorded at intervals during stress (in the beginning and usually at three minute intervals, if stable). It may be checked more frequently if the patient's blood pressure response to exercise is abnormal.
first to know the upper reading is the systolic pressure and the lower reading in blood pressure is the diastolic pressure
normal response to the test is shown through different stages
blood pressure readings obtained from a stress test normally ,you can expect systolic blood pressure to increase to about 200 at the peak of the test and diastolic blood pressure to remain steady or fall only slightly. Heart disease is a likely if your systolic pressure does not rise above 120, if it falls, or if your diastolic pressure rises above 90 to 100.
the other normal stage is that the pressure will drop normally even below the reading at the beginning of the test before the stress test is undergone .
having different reading than this normal results may imply a risk for heart disease or a blocked artery and then the medication will be a must to protect or treat for coronary disease.