18 سنوات
Even when she touch only the skin above the knee it hurts, Please can I get an answer because I'm worried.
2 مايو 2014
These are some of the more common symptoms of compressed nerves:
-Pain in the area of compression, such as the neck or low back
-Radiating pain, such as sciatica or radicular pain
-Numbness or tingling
-"Pins and needles" or a burning sensation
-Weakness, especially with certain activities
-resting the injured area and by avoiding any activities that tend to worsen your symptoms. In many cases,you can take too over the counter pain killer such as paracetamol or if the pain is severe NSAIDS(ibuprofen,ketoprofen,diclofenac,..)
If symptoms persist or pain is severe, see your doctor. You may need one or more types of treatment to shrink swollen tissue around the nerve.
In more severe cases, it may be necessary to remove material that's pressing on a nerve, such as:
Scar tissue
Disc material
Pieces of bone (which is your mother case)
an MRI or CT scan may be considered to make the diagnosis and look for the cause (the warp in your case)