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18 سنوات
Does cranberry juice help me lose weight? if yes, how do i use it to lose weight? thank you!
19 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
If you're currently trying to lose weight, your best option is a combination of diet and exercise. Reducing your caloric intake while increasing your level of physical activity can help encourage a healthy weight loss this is the main tool .

Cranberry juice can had an effect on cholesterol levels ,drinking the juice each day as part of normal diets may has a significant decrease in both body weight and body mass index, showing that cranberry juice could help people lose weight.

But of course cranberry alone will not let you lose weight ,weight can't be decreased except by proper low caloric diet and exercise beside other measurement ,cranberry is a tool like many tools to HELP lose weight but not the mean cause to lose it .

The decrease in body weight and body mass index couldn't be attributed to cranberry juice alone. The probable cause how it make lose weight is fluid replacement.

Instead of drinking a soft drink with meals, drink this juice, which contained fewer calories. This will lower caloric intake, creating the caloric deficit needed to promote weight loss.

however ,cranberry juice is very healthy ,
>it contains antioxidant.
> preventing urinary tract infections is by far the most common use of cranberry juice
>low in calories
>beneficial in combating ulcers associated to H. pylori infection
>may inhibit the growth of cancer cells as well
>help in combating certain infections and disease