زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Continue de foie steatosique: however i have extra weight 95kgs stable since 10 years, before that i was 115kgs. Age: 38. what is ur opinion? what r the reasons? is it reversible? what should i do? tx
11 مايو 2013

د. Mohamad Siblini الجراحة
so you are 38, none alcoholic, no cholesterol or triglyceride, and you have some fats in your liver. you should know that if fat is less than 10% of your liver mass then it is considered as normal if not then this is called NAFLD (none alcoholic fatty liver disease). most common causes are Diet, overweight, overload of iron in the body, viral hepatitis (mainly virus c), or diabetes. is it reversible? yes. How? First you should do some lab tests to make sure your liver function well, you do not have diabetes, your iron level is normal and you do not have some liver viruses ( b and c). if everything came normal so your diet and overweight is the cause and you should do the following : stop alcohol and smoking (if any), start exercises, reduce your weight, and eat FRUITS. if lab tests are abnormal then treatment is given according to the abnormal findings.