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26 سنوات
How to reduce stress?
15 ديسمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Here are the most common sources of daily life stress, and suggested solutions:
1. Frequently retardant: Work on acquiring and applying time-management principles. Shuffle your priorities (make sure to give room for yourself); delegate or discard unnecessary tasks. Map out your day, setting aside time for different tasks. Maybe you’re trying to jam too many tasks into too little time.
2. Often angry: Think of cognitive distortions: is it possible that you are magnifying a problem, jumping to conclusions, or applying emotional reasoning? Take the time to stop, breathe, reflect, and choose.
3. Having doubts about your ability to achieve something: Seek support from the people you trust. If the problem is work, talk to a co-worker or supportive boss. Ask a friend with experience. Take a free online course where you identify a knowledge gap.
4. Allocate time for stress relief: Try mini-relaxations. Slowing down to pay attention to just one task or pleasure at hand is an excellent method of stress relief.
5. If you’re feeling tense: try massage, a hot bath, mini-relaxations, or a mindful walk. Practically any exercise is helpful. Regular exercise wards off tension, as do relaxation response techniques.
6. Feeling worn-out or burned-out can be tackled by focusing on self-nurturing techniques. Secure time to practice the relaxation response or at least indulge in mini-relaxations. Eat healthy food. Try to allocate time for creative, productive, and leisure activities. Consider your priorities in life.
7. If you are feeling lonely, connect with others around you. Human connection, something as simple as a brief conversation with a neighbor, or a question for a colleague, is helpful. Do volunteer work. Call a friend or relative you miss. Take an interesting class.