زيارة الأطباء
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24 سنوات
But my hepatitis b has been transferred by breast-feeding when I was a child so until now it's been keeping not to be eliminated.
10 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Most individuals with chronic hepatitis B remain symptom free for many years or decades. During this time, the patient's liver function blood tests usually are normal or only mildly abnormal. Some patients may deteriorate and develop inflammation or symptoms, putting them at risk for developing cirrhosis.
Markers found in the blood can confirm hepatitis B infection and differentiate acute from chronic infection. These markers are substances produced by the hepatitis B virus (antigens) and antibodies produced by the immune system to fight the virus.
Most people chronically infected with hepatitis B can expect to live long, healthy lives. Once you are diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B, the virus may stay in your blood and liver for a lifetime. It is important to know that you can pass the virus along to others, even if you don’t feel sick. This is why it’s so important that you make sure that all close household contacts and sex partners are tested and vaccinated against hepatitis B.
With all of the new exciting research, there is great hope that a complete cure will be found for chronic hepatitis B in the near future